Teas To Drink When Breastfeeding To Help Keep Baby Calm And Colic-free

Breastfeeding can be a double edge sword, joyous and challenging all at the same time. Tapping into the benefits of organic ingredients that help to boost the production of breastmilk and calm baby can be a godsend for new mothers.
A breastfeeding mother is fuelled by love and adrenaline, but it’s common for a new mum to feel anxious about a range of factors including milk supply, baby attaching correctly and whether baby is putting on enough weight.
Research shows that if a mother can decrease her stress this will help to increase milk supply. A happy and healthy mum can equate to a calm and satisfied baby and embracing the benefits of herbal tea while breastfeeding can provide a whole range of amazing benefits.
Clean Tea Australia has designed a nourishing and relaxing organic herbal tea for breastfeeding mums called Mother’s Love. This delightful and locally made tea aids in the production of healthy breast milk helping babies suffering from the pains of colic and wind.
The powerful and nourishing herbs that have been carefully selected by Clean Tea Australia for their Mother’s Love Breastfeeding Tea include caraway, nettle, aniseed, fennel and vervain. Blending these ingredients offer therapeutic properties for both mother and baby.
Mum to be gift set
We've curated this special pack for new mums or mums to be! This exclusive gift set will be wrapped beautifully with B Free packaging and combines all the essentials you need to comfortably breastfeed your bub, whether at home or on the go.
The beneficial properties of the traditional herbs that Clean Tea have carefully selected and handmade include:
- Caraway seed - a powerful herb that supports the quality and production of breastmilk and helps relieve a baby from colic and wind.
- Nettle - a traditional herb that supports and strengthens the whole body.
- Aniseed - a natural calming agent. This herb is an antispasmodic which helps with cramps and eases colic and wind through the potency of its oil.
- Fennel - a soothing and calming herb which will help with any stomach problems that may exist.
- Vervain - a nervous system tonic that can assist in relaxing and strengthening the nervous system and also help with the digestive system.
Enjoying a cup of organic herbal tea can be a wonderful way for breastfeeding mums to recharge the batteries and boost milk supply. We all need to take the time to nourish ourselves, and organic herbal tea Mother’s Love Breastfeeding Tea can do just that.
Femme Hormone Balancing tea set
Everyday life and pregnancy may cause our hormones to become unbalanced. This affects our entire mood, quality of sleep and even weight. The Femme Tea assists in balancing female hormones and help bring you harmony.
To find out more about the benefits of organic and handmade herbal tea jump onto the Clean Tea website and explore our range of pregnancy and breastfeeding safe tea and enrich your health with a range of teas that are beneficial for bubs and mums.
Shop now & receive 15% off breastfeeding teas. Use Code: BFREE02
Guest Blog by
Jordana Edwards
Posted on October 26 2018