How to get a bigger booty?

Another important feature in butt pads is an adhesive layer for extra security. A sticky layer against your skin can get very uncomfortable, so we always design B Free pads to have the adhesive layer to stick to the shaper. This way your pads become part of the shaper, and all you feel is soft fabric foam against your skin.
How to wear butt pads?
Butt pads are best worn with B Free shaping shorts to help hold them firmly in place, and give a smooth seamless silhouette. Simply slip the pads into place under the shorts and check in the mirror to adjust the positioning for your desired effect. Every body shape is different, but we usually find that the fuller edge should sit towards the bottom of your butt, and the narrow end should sit up towards your lower back.
Once your are happy with the positioning you can choose to remove the seal for the adhesive layer and stick the butt pads onto your shaper for an extra secure fit. Usually you can reach under the shaper (from the waist line) when wearing it, and peel the plastic off the pad and stick it in place. If this is too tricky, you can either ask a friend to help and reach through from under the legs and peel off the plastic layer, or you can stick the pads in place when the shaper is off your body.
Booty boosters - a simple and discreet trick for a dramatic shape, and a big boost to your confidence!